Turk Traktor received ISO 50001 and ISO 14064

Türk Traktör has achieved a first in its sector by becoming the first company in the country to acquire both the ISO 50001 Energy Management and ISO 14064 Greenhouse Gas Emissions quality certifications.
Türk Traktör is known with its innovative applications and high quality services, established the ISO 50001 Energy Management System with the outstanding performance of its team while working with our main company Demir Enerji Consulting for establishing a ISO 14064 Greenhouse Gas Emissions monitoring process, had a successful audit period and gained both certificates.
Marco Votta, TürkTraktör General Manager, commented: "The future and future generations are of the utmost importance to us. With our motto of respect for the worker, the customer, and the environment at every stage, it gives us great pride to be the first company in our industry to meet both ISO 50001 and ISO 14064 standards. With the achievement of these two important standards, we are reducing our energy expenditure, starting the era of carbon footprint quantification, and addressing climate change in the best way possible at TürkTraktör, moving towards renewable resources to meet our energy needs."
Partnership for Market Readiness Project

The opening meeting of Partnership for Market Readiness for Carbpn Markets project was held on 04.10.2012 at İstanbul Taksim Point Hotel with the participation of public and private industries, industry representatives and NGO's
Climate Change and Turkey Brochure

Climate Vulnerability Report 2nd Edition

An international independent NGO working on climate change and its impacts DARA, published the 2nd edition of its report “Climate Vulnerability Monitor”. Scientists and experts from all over the world contributed to the report stating that if we continue to consume our present levels of fossil fuels, more than 1 million deaths will occur each year as as a result of climate change, air pollution, drought, hunger and different disesases. It was emphasized in the report that climate change causes a 1,6% decrease in World GDP each year which amounts to $ 1.2 billion. If no measure is taken the decrease of the World GDP will double to 3.2 % by 2030.
TUSIAD Sustainable Tourism Report

During the meeting held to introduce the report titled the "Sustainable Tourism “Chairman of the Board of Directors of Turkey Industrialists Businessmen's Association (TUSIAD) Umit Boyner stressed the need to grow by 5-6 per cent per year improve social and economic well-being of Turkey. Boyner said, Turkey is faced with a difficult equation at the point of sustaining economic and industrial development, saying, "Turkey in this process is to diversify energy sources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and also must focus on economic growth at the same time. Accordingly, in the next period TUSIAD aims to prepare, a number of studies selected on the basis of some critical sectors on the subject of the phenomenon of sustainability
China and EU cooperation for Emission Trading System

The world's largest carbon dioxide emitter country China, has signed an agreement with EU system to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with the help of projects such as the development of its emissions trading scheme. As known, the European Commission, as part of the studies carried out in the direction of further development of EU ETS wants to commence partnerships with other emissions trading systems. The Commission decided to link the EU ETS with emissions trading scheme of Australia until 2018 last month.
According to the agreement EU will provide 25 million euros and technical assistance to three carbon reduction projects in China in four years. EU will help design and implement projects for China's emissions trading system besides other projects in other Chinese cities for resource efficiency, reduction of water and heavy metal pollution and will support the implementation of sustainable waste management policies.
Unlicenced Electric Production - Sample practices

Energy Market and Regulation Authority (EMRA) has published FAQ's and sample practices to enlighten those who are curious about unlicenced production of electricity on its web site.
Sustainable Development Dialog After Rio +20

Inovation for Sustainability EU Environment Awards

Climate Change Conference

Organized by United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the “Climate Change Conference” was held in Bonn, Germany between 14-25 May 2012.
Rio+20 The Future We Want

20 years after the World Summit in Rio de Janerio, UN member governments, international organizations and major groups will meet between 20-22 June 2012 again in Rio de Janerio for UN Sustainable Development Conference. All parties have high hopes for the final declerations of the conference although most of the stakeholders are disappointed as there still are no consensus on most of the issues during the preparations for Rio +20.
Living Planet 2012 Report – Seven Billion Expectations One Planet

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) publishes the “Living Planet Report” to document how the World is doing every two years. The report released in 2012 once again shows that we would need another planet by 2030 if we insist on our daily habits, life styles and business as usual models and also the report shows how we damaged the natüre within such a short time with remarkable results. There are striking findings in the report like; between 2000-2010 an average of 13 million hectares of forest were destroyed on a yearly basis or biological diversity have decreased 30 % within the last 40 years.
Regulation on Monitoring Greenhouse Gas Emissions was published.

Regulation on Monitoring Greenhouse Gas Emissions was published on 25.04.2012 in the Offical Gazette. Regulations, procedures and guidelines on the issue are identified according to United Nations Framework on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol. The aim of the regulation is to calculate and monitor the GHG emissions of manufacturing plants and twinnig the EU Emission Trading legislation’s GHG monitoring.
This regulation is an important step to combat against climate change and covers an important part of the GHG emissions of the country are from electricity and steam generation, oil refining, petrochemicals, cement, iron and steel, aluminum, brick, tile, lime, paper and glass manufacturing industries. For the legislation...
Freedom to systems under 500 kW capacity

The regulation about producing and selling electricity with systems with an installed capacity up to 500 kW based on renewable energy sources to be free is published in the Official Gazette and came into force. The regulation prepared by the Energy Market Regulation Authority eliminated the need to apply for license and to establish a company for producing and selling electricity from renewable energy sources. For the legislation...
Climate Change National Action Plan

“Climate Change National Action Plan” has been published. Under the leadership of the General Directorate of Environmental Management of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization; related ministries, government institutions, NGO’s, private sector, academics and international organizations participated in the project.
18 th ICCI Fair and Conference will take place

18 th ICCI Fair and Conference organized since 1994, have reached 12.000 visitors in 2011 and will take place with its enriched program between 25-27 April 2012 in İstanbul Fair Center. For 3 days 300 presentations and 100 poster bildirim will be in 6 salons. Bilateral meetings and side events will also take place. ICCI 2012 focuses on general outlook at energy industries in the world, Turkey and EU, new perspectives in energy, energy and environment, energy production and developments in environmental technologies. As climate volunteers we are going to be among the participants of the event. For more information...
Turkey’s Ecologic Footprint Report

“Ecologic footprint of Turkey Report“ has been published. According to the report published by WWF with the support from MAYA Foundation and Garanti Bank ecologic footprint per capita of Turkey is 2,7 kha in 2007 which is 50 % over the global biological capacity. In other words, if everyone all around the world consumes like an average Turkish citizen 1,5 planets would be needed.
Regional Environment Center

Applications for the Corporate Sustainability Certificate Programme which is held in cooperation with Regional Environment Center – REC Turkey and Boğaziçi University has started. This year the programme will take place in between April 16 to June 21 2012 shaped by the experiences in educational programmes offered in many European countries by REC since 2004. Deadline for application is April 4 2012.